A. TR Movement Certificates

Product Categories

A. TR Movement Certificates

A.TR Verfahren und Grundsätze für den Verkauf und die Genehmigung von Vertriebsbescheinigungen

A.TR Circulation Certificate Sales and Approval Procedures and Principles" issued by TOBB has been implemented in our Chamber as of February 2, 2009.



18.05.2004 Date and 5174 Turkey Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of law with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges,

5174 Turkey Chambers and Stock Exchanges Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges with the second paragraph of the law of Article 56 of 23.08.2006 Date and 2006/10895 numbered Turkey and pursuant to the decision on the merits regarding the implementation of the created Customs Union between the European Community,



Regarding the establishment of a record control system for ATR Circulation Documents; As a result of the works carried out with the Undersecretariat of Customs, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges and the Chambers, the procedures and principles and the implementation of the automation program started in all Chambers as of 02.02.2009. From this date, sales and approval of A.TR Circulation Certificate with barcodes will be made as determined in “procedures and principles..

The Union of Chambers is authorized to remove this authority of the Chamber if it is determined that the automation program of the Chambers authorized by it is not used properly and that the document sales and approval is done in violation of these principles.

A.TR Circulation Documents After the implementation of the automation system, other export documents will gradually be transferred to the automation system.





Copy of Population Wallet

T.C ID Number

Authorization letter

Personnel Authorized by Customs Brokers


Obtained from the Trade Registry

Wish Written in the Roomçe

Company stamped and signed by the authorities


Representation and binding signed by authorized persons



Kopie der Registrierung wenn kein Mitglied

3 Monate aus dem Raum

Capasity Report

Gültigkeitsdauer und Herstellungsgegenstand angemessen

Purchase Invoices

Importierte Waren aus EU-Ländern oder Drittländern

Inward processing authorization certificate

Wenn die in der Produktion verwwndeten Vorleistungen in den Anwendungsbereich des aktiven Veredelungsverkehrs fallen